Life with the Dex Man–& $50 Target Gift Card Giveaway

Who knew that adding a 4 pound dog to our lives would bring such a large change?

In the last post, I introduced you to lil Dexter.  Our dachshund, chihuahua mix. Here’s a little more of his story:

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I wanted a dog.  The hubby wanted one too, he just doesn’t like to show his excitement.  I think part of us wanted to wait to adopt a dog until we were well adjusted to our schedules in our new city and new jobs.  But the bug to own a dog had bitten me long ago, and I was growing impatient.

First, we stopped by the SPCA shelter near our house.  They had some nice dogs, but none that captured our hearts. There’s a dog for everyone, but ours wasn’t in that shelter!

So we pressed on to another shelter.  And there was Dexter in the puppy aisle.  Roger and I didn’t want a pup. We didn’t feel we’d have the time to train him with our busy schedules.  But he was the first dog at the second shelter that we spotted, and I think we both knew he’d be ours.  We looked at every single dog there just to be sure, but we came back to Dex.  A shelter volunteer at Pets Fur People in Tyler, Tx handed him to us, and he licked my face. And that was that.  We marched up to the front counter to adopt the newest addition to our family.

(Pic snapped during the adoption process.)

We’ve learned a lot about him since then. What kind of toys he likes, where he likes to sneak to poop in the house (even though we’re trying to break him of that…any tips are appreciated!), and that he was apparently abused as a wee pup.

Dexter is 8 months young today. According to his adoption papers (but really, how can they tell?!lol). He has marks on his fur from a harness bound too tightly on him.  The fur under his front legs has been rubbed raw. The evidence of this can be felt in his spine. And our heart breaks. How could someone abuse such a precious dog?

At the shelter, they named him Sailor.  He had a brother (more chihuahua than dachshund) named Captain. We couldn’t adopt both–well, we chose not to.  We are one dog type people. I don’t know what happened of him.  I don’t know why these little ones were abandoned, but I’m happy that we were able to show love to such a sweet pup. He’s changed our lives and stolen our hearts! He even comes to church with us every Thursday night as we minister to those struggling to stay clean from addiction.  They love on him, and he loves on them. We are so happy he’s in our lives! (Even if he does poop on our rugs at times!)

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And now for the Giveaway!


It’s really simple! Me and my friend Kathleen from Katscript are hosting a giveaway for a $50 Target Gift Card. All you have to do is:

  1. Follow me AND Kathleen on instagram (follow the links on our names).
  2. Like this photo on both of our profiles.

That’s it! I hope you’ll take a moment to enter the giveaway!

We will announce the winner Wednesday night (8/26).

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