Wedding Wednesday {Crafting, Part 1}

That one time I was crazy and decided to craft for my wedding!

I got married on September 13, 2014.  And I planned a LOT of crafts for Roger and I to make for our wedding day.

If you have a year to plan and prep for your wedding, then you’re golden.  If you have 6 months or less to plan and prep, AND you’re a type-A personality *Lindsey, here…raising my hand* then crafting is a crazy idea! lol

We had a lot of fun crafting but it was a lot of work, and we needed a lot of friends to help out!

In part one (of two) of my Crafting series I’m giving you all the deets on my table decorations:

{Dying Glasses}

That’s right, folks.  Mod Podge and food coloring.  And lots of patience!!!–cuz these suckers take forever to dry. We thrifted for our wedding glasses from various thrift shops.  It took about 7 trips over the course of 6 weeks to get all the glasses we needed. We dyed a total of 112 glasses.

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{Dying Doilies}

Do you sense a theme here? Roger is Mexican and I wanted to create something that would be like the flags used in his culture on special occasions:

Processed with VSCOcam with lv03 presetBut I wanted to do an wedding spin on them (without having plain white flags), so I created a colorful pastel palette and we dyed doilies for DAYS.  In this craft, we used water, food coloring, and dollar store pans. It took an army of friends, and an hour of dying here and there to get it all done in a timely manner.


All in all, we died 700 doilies for the occasion. Only a handful of those are pictured below. IMG_6042

{Paper Flowers}

I didn’t get to make these sorts of flowers in elementary school a whole lot, but I did once or twice, I’m sure.  But now, after my wedding prep, I can now assemble such a flower with my eyes closed! With this craft, I took stuff to work to have my friends and coworkers lend a helping hand.  What can I say, we were in crunch mode.

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Here was what I was going for…these are the pics I took to give to my decorators so they would know how I wanted the tables set.  See?! Type-A to the max!

IMG_6984 IMG_6985Don’t worry, this was just to give people an idea.  We actually put the doilies on string and used double sided tape to keep them closed.  I may or may not still have ALL of these banners.  It took a lot of work, yo! Hard to part with them!!!

Well guys, that it for today’s edition of Wedding Wednesday! More crafts (a few more) next week.

LindseySignature2 BreakLine

6 thoughts on “Wedding Wednesday {Crafting, Part 1}

  1. Goodness…that’s a lot of work! I’m kinda glad Pinterest wasn’t around when I got married. I probably would have swamped myself down. You did a great job. Can’t wait to see how it all turned out!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey Fellow Blogger! I am excited to tell you that I have nominated you and your blog for the libester award! I admire your blog. I have enjoyed reading your posts and getting to know you in a small way! Thank you for your hard work and dedication! Feel free to check out my nominations @
    Hope you have an awesome day!
    >>> Kenna

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