The Weekend Report {first married valentine’s}

Loads to cover, so I’ll get straight to it:

This weekend Roger and I celebrated our first married Valentine’s Day and 5 months of marriage.  Time is really flying.  March will be 6 months, and a year since we were engaged.  CRAZY!

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We decided this year that we wouldn’t go crazy on each other.  We want to go to Greece and pay off debt, and we didn’t feel Valentine’s Day had to be out of control.  So I got Roger this gift that I just knew he’d love (and he did), and spent Friday the 13th making memories with him.  We got Little Caesar’s on the way home from work for dinner ( my fav) and relaxed at home for a bit and exchanged gifts.

(Roger’s gift)

THEN it was time to change for the date I had planned.  I drove us south of the city for Laser tag and arcade games.  I’ve never just gone without a group of people to an arcade, and it was actually a lot of fun.  I felt like a nerd, but I didn’t care too much.

Saturday we spent some lazy time in bed (the best) and then Roger got up to start making brunch for us.  Chocolate chip pancakes, a bowl made of bacon, scrambled eggs and fresh fruit.  Divine.

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While he was making breakfast, I sneakily made this (reasons why I love Roger) in the guest bedroom where he keeps all his clothes (the closet struggle). He didn’t find it for a couple of hours but that’s ok! I love pajama days anyway!

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I decided to tackle an art project with my day on Saturday while Roger practiced worship songs for Sunday.  I created chalkboards within the panes of an old window.  Here is the picture of the window painted and taped up.  I have been too lazy to take a pic of the finished product…oops.  Roger was able to hang it for me Monday night and it looks awesome in the office.

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Then for our romantical dinner, I baked a strawberry cake with homemade strawberry cream cheese icing completely from scratch (no box mix folks).  It took forever, but it was worth it.  Roger loves strawberry! While I was prepping the cake, Roger prepared us a steak candlelight dinner.  It was magical! Then we danced in the dining room to his background jazz music! lol.

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Sunday was church and a friend’s birthday party, and Monday was lunch with friends that turned into dinner.  We left for their house at 1pm and didn’t get home till after 10pm.  But it was a good time all the same.

Hope you all had a great, long/love weekend!

Bella And The City

LindseySignature2 BreakLine


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